August 3-11 is Agriculture Week in Worcester County. The commissioners issued a proclamation to area farmers and Worcester County Tourism and Economic Development (WCTED) professionals on Tuesday to promote a number of farming activities to take place countywide that week, beginning with the Blessing of the Combines and culminating with the Greater Pocomoke Fair and Worcester County Fair. Those pictured include WCTED Advertising and Destination Marketing Specialist Brianna Dix (front row, from left) and Director Melanie Pursel, Claire Rush of Baywater Landing, and WCTED Business Development and Retention Specialist Michele Burke; Lauren Pascarella of BayBees Honey (second row, from left), Shawn and Carol Cross of Cross Farms, Worcester County Recreation and Parks Superintendent Jacob Stephens, and Lee Beauchamp of Baywater Landing; and Commissioners Caryn Abbott (third row, from left), Jim Bunting, Joe Mitrecic, Chip Bertino, Eric Fiori, Ted Elder, and Diana Purnell. View the full lineup of events taking place during Agriculture Week in Worcester County at