Public invited to comment on West Ocean City bicycle/pedestrian path feasibility study

Snow Hill, Maryland –Worcester County Public Works (WCPW) officials invite area residents and visitors to comment on a recently completed bicycle/pedestrian path feasibility study. The study addresses a proposal to develop a hiking and biking trail on MD Rt. 611 from US Rt. 50 to Assateague State Park. To view the study, visit Under Important Links, click on "MD 611 Feasibility Report."

“The main purposes of the study were to determine which side of MD Rt. 611 would best be suited for a path, what it would cost to design and construct the path, and what regulatory needs exist if the project receives the greenlight to move forward,” WCPW Director Dallas Baker said. “We are currently working to secure grant funding to cover the design and construction costs.”

The study was conducted by McCormick Taylor and funded with grants from the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT). The completed study does not guarantee the path will be designed or built, although grant applications have been submitted to MDOT for the initial design.

Please submit comments to Charde Tunnell at by September 30. For more information, call WCPW at 410-632-5623.