Snow Hill, Maryland (July 2, 2024) – Worcester County property owners can expect to begin receiving their tax bills during the first week of July.
“Tax bills for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024 have been sent via United States Postal Service,” Finance Officer Phil Thompson said. “For those who would like to pay their tax bills online, visit the County website at or"
On the home page, below the photo marquee, click the icon entitled $ Taxes Online to access the Citizen Self Service page. Once there, click Real Estate Taxes or visit the site directly at:
Customers can use their name, address, or property account identifier number, which is assigned by the State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT), to find their accounts. The website also allows taxpayers to make payments on their accounts subject to a processing fee. A link is also provided on the website which allows taxpayers to access the SDAT website to view their properties and related assessment information.
Payments may also be made in person as well at two locations: the Isle of Wight Center at 13070 St. Martins Neck Road in Bishopville and the Worcester County Government Center at 1 West Market Street, Room 1105 in Snow Hill.
Taxpayers with additional questions can contact the Worcester County Treasurer’s Office directly at (410) 632-0686, ext. 3 or email at during business hours for assistance with their current tax bills.