Notice of Public Hearing - Draft 2022 Land Preservation, Parks & Recreation Plan


Notice Type

Snow Hill, Maryland – the Worcester County Planning Commission will host a public hearing on the draft Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan (LPPRP) April 6, 2023 at 1:05 p.m. The hearing will take place in the Board Room on the first floor of the Worcester County Government Center in Snow Hill. 

The State of Maryland requires counties to update their LPPRP every six years, one year prior to the revision of the statewide Maryland Land Preservation, Parks and Recreation Plan. The LPPRPs qualify local governments for State Program Open Space grants and other programs related to three land resource elements: Recreation and Parks; Agricultural Land Preservation; and Natural Resource Conservation.

The draft Worcester County LPPRP was developed in accordance with guidelines provided by the Maryland Departments of Planning and Natural Resources. The LPPRP contains key information, goals, and recommendations to guide the county’s management and enhancement of its parks and recreation facilities, and conservation of natural and agricultural lands for the next five years.

Visit to view the draft LPPRP. Written and oral comments will be accepted at the public hearing. Written comments may also be submitted to or mailed to Worcester County Environmental Programs, 1 West Market St, Suite 1306, Snow Hill, MD 21863.