DRP Divisions and Services


Phone: 410-632-1200
Fax: 410-632-3008

The Administrative Division is responsible for providing clerical assistance to the other Divisions and Management within the Department. Such tasks include procurement of equipment and supplies; bond management; data collection, entry and preparation of corresponding reports that are distributed at the County, State and Federal levels; document scanning and retention; and assisting the Customer Service Division with the scheduling of inspections. Contact April Mariner at 410-632-1200 ext. 1172



William Bradshaw, P. E.
Building Administrator / County Engineer
Phone: 410-632-1200 (ext. 1150)
Fax: 410-632-3008

 Building is responsible for implementing and enforcing residential and commercial building codes through the review of construction plans and the completion of on-site inspections for the various stages of building construction, including footing, foundation, framing, final, etc. In addition, the Building Division conducts reviews and inspections associated with the County’s Floodplain Management Ordinance and State Accessibility Code.  

Building performs follow-up inspections for Rental Housing Code violations and building and zoning code infractions. Rental Housing Code inspections are conducted on a complaint basis only. This Division works with the Department of Economic Development relative to housing rehabilitation projects, and the Department of Social Services relative to the Rental Allowance Program. The Department issues electrical permits, and assists with the testing and award of electrical licenses. However, third party agencies handle the enforcement and inspection of the National Electric Code.

The Building Division periodically hosts seminars provided by State officials or local contractors for local building inspectors and contractors to alert them of new or modified changes in construction codes, to apprise them of new materials and techniques, and to obtain continuing education credits.


Customer Service

Janet Davis, Customer Service Manager
Phone: 410-632-1200 (ext. 1144)
Fax: 410-632-3008

Customer Service seeks to provide the public, contractors, developers, design professionals, etc with a positive experience when interacting with the Department. Customer Service staff greets the public upon entry to the office, as well as coordinates the scheduling of inspections between contractors, the public and inspectors.

In addition, the Division’s objectives are to assist the public and staff in navigating through the various processes associated with the Department functions and pertinent regulations. The Division promotes better cooperation and communication between Divisions and the public and investigates questions, concerns or complaints received from the public.

Customer Service comments on zoning regulations, permits land use plans, development proposals, related studies and special reports, as needed.

The Division helps to develop plans to meet the above objectives and provides senior management with recommended changes in policy, regulation, procedures and staffing to better serve the public while still fulfilling regulatory objectives.


Housing Rehabilitation

Davida Washington, Program Coordinator

Phone: 410-632-1200 (ext. 1171)

Fax 410-632-3008


The Worcester County Housing Rehabilitation Program is administered through the Worcester County Department of Development, Review and Permitting. This program provides grants and loan funding to owner occupied properties for general rehabilitation and lead abatement services. Additional information can be found at the following link: Housing Rehabilitation | Worcester County, Maryland


Liquor License Control

April Payne, Liquor License Administrator
Phone: 410-632-1200 (ext. 1120)
Fax 410-632-3008
The Liquor License Administrator’s responsibility is to act as the public contact for businesses interested in obtaining or renewing alcoholic beverage licenses, to coordinate efforts with the Fire Marshal’s Office, State Health Department, and State and Local law enforcement agencies, and to investigate the validity of complaints and/or concerns regarding licensed establishments in the County. The Division functions as staff to the Worcester County Board of License Commissioners (the Board) in order to assure the alcoholic beverage laws and/or policies are fulfilled. Click here for a complete list of rules and regulations.

The Board of License Commissioners, a three member Board, is appointed by the Governor of the State of Maryland to hear requests at public hearings for alcoholic beverage licenses, to hear complaints of citizens and law enforcement about existing licensed premises and to annually review each license that applies for a renewal. The Board is responsible for assisting the public with the issuance of alcoholic beverage licenses and permits, consideration of special allowances for licensed premises and with understanding the responsibilities associated with holding an alcoholic beverage license. The Board enforces Article 2B of the Annotated Code of Maryland and follows through all regulatory aspects associated with alcohol licensing. The Board holds investigative “show cause” hearings upon receipt of police reports and bona-fide citizen complaints of wrongdoing on the part of the license holders. These hearings can result in fines up to $4000 in addition to suspension or revocation of the license for each substantiated violation.

The Board works very closely with the Fire Marshal’s Office and Health Department to ensure safety regulations are complied with. Additionally, there is a strong relationship with all State and local police agencies in order to maintain all enforcement aspects with regard to licensed facilities. The Board complies with pertinent local and state mandated studies and reports. It also regulates and develops strategic plans in order to make sure all State taxes owned by licensees are kept current and up-to-date. The Board welcomes a professional relationship with its licensees in order to ensure regulations are adhered to while maintaining the responsibilities they have been tasked to fulfill.

Click here for an application to allow an employee under 18 to serve alcoholic beverages. 

For more information please contact April Payne at 410-632-1200 (ext 1120) or view the calendar for meeting dates and times.


Technical Services

Kelly Henry, Technical Services Manager
Phone: 410-632-1200 (ext. 1130)
Fax: 410-632-3008

The Technical Services Division is designed to promote, maintain and incorporate the use of geographic information system (GIS) technology as a vital tool in the planning, implementation, enforcement and monitoring of conservation and development practices through the County. GIS data is available to County, State and Federal departments and agencies at no cost and to private businesses or persons at a nominal fee, along with the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding. Technical Services in conjunction with the Information Technology and Emergency Services Departments plan to have a web based GIS system available to other County departments, local municipalities and eventually the public. Any request for GIS assistance should be directed to the Technical Services Manager. A select group of prepared maps are available at Map Gallery.



Kristen Tremblay, Zoning Administrator
Phone: 410-632-1200 (ext. 1131)
Fax 410-632-3008

The Zoning Division is responsible for implementing and enforcing the Zoning and Subdivision Control Article and other pertinent regulations and policies, such as the Comprehensive Plan and Design Guidelines, etc. In addition, the Division coordinates efforts with the other Divisions of the Department as well as other County, State and Federal agencies during the processing of permits for agricultural, residential and commercial land uses and structures and when evaluating site plans and subdivision plats.

This Division processes the following types of permits: building, zoning, electrical, yard sale and demolition. This Division also issues roadside stand licenses.  

In conjunction with a permit, site plan, subdivision plat or Certificate Use and Occupancy, the Zoning Division may require the posting of a financial security and the execution of a bond for the installation of lights, landscaping, parking improvements, etc., the demolition of structures or moved structures. The Administrative Division processes and tracks the bonds.

The Zoning Division investigates alleged public health nuisances and makes recommendations to the County Commissioners as to the validity of those complaints. The Division also coordinates efforts with other County Departments when abating conditions determined to be a public health nuisance.

Zoning serves as staff to the Technical Review Committee, Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals.  Applications for site plans, subdivisions, variances, special exceptions, expansion of non-conforming uses and structures, etc. are reviewed and evaluated by this Division for conformance with the pertinent regulations and staff reports are prepared for said Boards. The yearly calendar, monthly agendas and minutes for hearings or meetings of the Technical Review Committee, Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals are also prepared by this Division.