The following flood-resistant construction practices are strictly enforced by this Department in "A" flood hazard zones, regardless of the building's site elevation.
For enclosures below the Base Flood Elevation, including all masonry foundations, the following minimum criterion must be met.
- A minimum of two (2) openings having a total net area of not less than one (1) square inch for every one (1) square foot of enclosed area, including attached garages, shall be provided.
- The bottom of all such openings shall not be higher than 12 inches above inside or outside grade. Openings shall permit automatic entry and discharge of flood waters.
- The grade in the under-floor space shall be at or above the outside finished grade
- Liquid propane and other fuel tanks must be secured and adequately anchored to resist buoyancy and movement.
- Manufactured homes set up in flood zones require all piers to be reinforced by rebar and grout.
- Any other designs, including those for structures located in V-zones, shall be certified by a registered design professional licensed in the State of Maryland.
- No habital space is allowed below base flood. Only garages, storage and limited entries.
- Non-conversion and/or venting affadavits may be required.
- No finish and non-flood resistant materials are permitted below base flood (eg: drywall)
FEMA Flood Maps are available for viewing at