Outdoor Air Quality

The Environmental Programs Department may investigate inquiries about pollutants and other nuisances that may affect air quality. The programs goal is to evaluate and permit open burning sites and respond to reports of unpermitted fires with the fire marshal and eastern shore compliance personnel with the Maryland Department of the Environment.

A burning permit is required from the Environmental Programs Department for any open air burning. IN the absence of that permit, the only other open burns permitted are conducted by our volunteer fire companies as training excercises. These types of training activities are monitored by the Fire Marshal and tracked by Environmental Programs. Permits will not be issued during any burn bans in effect from the Worcester County Fire Marshal.

The fee for burning permits is $75.00.

If there is a concern or complaint regarding open air burning, contact Environmental Programs at (410) 632-1220



  • Open Burning Permits
  • Burn Permit Application
  • Fire Training Exercise Form (Must be faxed into Fire Marshal)
  • Wood Fired Boilers
  • MDE Factsheet-Regulation of Open Burning of Solid Waste