Natural Resources Division

The Natural Resources Division is responsible for implementing and enforcing the local and state regulations associated with Forest Conservation, Atlantic Coastal Bays Critical Area, Chesapeake Bay Critical Areas, Shoreline Stabilization, Stormwater Management and Sediment Erosion Control. The Division also administers programs and grants which promote wetland restoration, farmland preservation and other conservation practices. The Division reviews applications for site plan, subdivision, and permits for compliance with the various environmental regulations, and prepares reports and recommendations accordingly. These reviews may require the submittal of written reports and recommendations to County and State Agencies. The Division also conducts field inspections during site development of residential, commercial, and other types of projects to ensure compliance with the environmental regulations for which it is responsible. In addition, the Natural Resources Division completes maintenance inspections of stormwater management facilities to verify that the drainage system is still functioning as designed and approved to retain or detain stormwater runoff.


Land Preservation

The Worcester County Agricultural Land Preservation Advisory Board, a seven member Board, meets on an as-needed basis, typically two to three times annually.  The Board reviews applications to sell easements to the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation, proposed program policies, and applications from landowners in the program to make certain land use changes on their properties under easement.

For more information about land preservation please contact Katherine Munson at 410-632-1220 (ext 1302)






Regulatory Programs